Monday, November 24, 2008


Thanksgiving is saving us two days of school, so we can just stay home and sleep as long as we want. That's a holiday for you. I'm glad that we can have a break from school, even though I got to go to Anchorage and shop:D during Thursday and Friday. It was awesome, and now I want to have a break from school already!
Funny story, my mom and I went to Bethel on Thursday and found out we were stuck for one night. So, she got to go to Bingo (Yay for her) and guess what? She ended up coming home with a big, frozen turkey. What are the odds? She hardly wins anything, and luckily she won a turkey right before Thanksgiving. Well, anyways, who is ready to eat? My favorite part of Thanksgiving is the stuffing. Mmmmm, I love stuffing, but I'm not a big fan of turkey(lol). Well, I just wanted to throw in a picture of a turkey and some stuffing:D, Happy Thanksgiving!! They stuffed stuffing up its... its... TURKEY HOLE!! haha:))=))

Monday, November 17, 2008

Film and Dance Festival

On November 17th, we had a Film and Dance Festival here at Akiuk with our guest, Stephen Blanchett. It was awesome watching younger kids dancing and dancing ourselves as well. It was cool to watch my classmates movies finally:P. I was curious on what other kids did, and i was happy that i watched them that day. I'm glad that the community came to our school to watch what we did and our movies.

(top left-Renae, Danya, Charlene and Nastasia's arm)
(bottom left-Nickefer and Harry)

Monday, November 10, 2008

What Do I Care About?

 There are countless things I care for, maybe too many too list. I care for my family, friends, dogs, laptop, my life, and my environment. Sometimes I think I care a little too much for my friends, but who knows? I can't help but care for things I don't even want to care for. Gosh. There are so many things i could list. Just thinking of what I care for is making me think even more. I care for my dogs:D and all my friends know that of course. My laptop, I couldn't live without it. Most of all, I care about my mom, dad, brothers, uncles, aunts, nieces and so on. They are so important to me, and i don't know if i could live without any of them. 

FF or slow motion?

Right now, my life feels like its on slow motion. Everyday seems like they are getting longer and longer (it really sucks in school:D). If I were to choose whether or not to let my life be in slow motion or FF, I would choose neither. I like my life how it is, no matter how slow or how fast they may go. On some days, it would help if they were faster or slower, but I take what I've got and be happy with it. FF goes too fast, slow motion goes too slow, so why would i choose which one? I wouldn't want to miss anything because they happened too fast, or get too bored with something happening too slow. I like how my life is going, and i hope it stays that way.