The best advice I had received was from my mother. She told me that school was important. Good grades do count further into their lives. I learned that kind of the hard way. When I was younger, i thought that my parents were the smartest people I knew, but i found out that they weren't. I saw that i needed more education but, to be honest, i was a goody two shoes. I did everything i was told, and believed that my parents were smart. Yet, when i went into high school, i noticed that school was becoming a bore towards me. I couldn't concentrate because I was beginning to think that if my parents weren't as smart as i thought, that i shouldn't listen to them. So, i began to choose my own path towards my own life. My grades dropped and found out that i needed those good grades to pass, and get into a good college. If it weren't for my mom, i would have never known that i should keep up my grades and do my best to live the good life.
Good advice. I'm glad you've gotten yourself together now. You could do really well at college as long as you keep working hard. :) ...and capitalize your "I"s
I guess people don't need to be the smartest in the world in order to give good advice.
In Shakespeare's plays, he often had the "fool" saying the wisest words of the play.
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