Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Do You Care?

Today we are trying to work hard to turn in any last minute work. I have lots of work that needs to be turned in, but I believe that I can do it. Unless I lose all confidence and give up right now, but I don't feel like it. So, right now I am working on finishing this blog so I can show my teacher that I did my work while she was gone. are you happy now Deanna? (LOL) I'm just joking around. Well, I have to turn in two more papers for one class and I feel tired as, uh, crap. I guess that you readers out there probably don't care whether or not I fail or pass, but maybe you do. Nah, you probably don't anyways. Well, this is one blog less that i need, and one checked off my list of duties to do. okay, I'm done!


Deanna said...

I care! I think there are lots of people that care. I also know that you are very capable of doing the work. The more you care about what you are working on, the better the quality it is. I wish you'd care all the time :)

Vicki said...

I care, too, Iq! You finished up--way to go! Hope you have a great summer.

Irniaq said...

Me, too, I care! And so do a lot of students even though they didn't write here...