Thursday, October 9, 2008


Here's my dog's eyebrows!

 My mom drew eyebrows on my dog Casper. It was so funny, and my little brother washed it off because he was scared that it would be stuck for a long time. I just stood there watching it all happen. I guessed that my mom was bored and decided to do something. Or anything. Doesn't he look cute?


Deanna said...

That is cute :)

Irniaq said...

Wow, I think Casper has better-looking eyebrows than I do. : ) Cute pup, Iq!

Wassilene said...

So cute.. lol..

*Born To Ride* said...

how did your mom make them?

::NTwitchell said...

WOW!:D u guys really care about your dog! how sweet:)..i really like this picture! by the way he has nice eyebrows;)

Uyang' said...

eeee your dog is so ooogly!!!
no i'm just kidding. i want a white dog/puppy!

kewl picture, Iq! :]

iip said...

that dog is real cute hehe qavvluq's