Sunday, December 14, 2008

Coffee Shop

I woke up today sick as can be. I had body ache and headache, but after one cup of coffee I feel awake and good. Before we go to Bethel, we are here at Kaladi's I think. I love being in a coffee shop with Internet access:D. What is better than having coffee and being on the Internet? Nothing is what I would say:P. So, I'm here, working on this blog for my computers class with a cup of hot coffee. I know, sweet right? Well, this place is cozy and IDK, it's just comfortable. Just sitting here in the coffee shop, having coffee in the coffee shop. (LOL) Well, this may not be a lot, but at least I wrote about tha, coffee shop. 

State Nerds

Well, my volleyball team made it to state, and that was awesome. Our first game was against the Point Hope Harpooners, and we lost three in a row. All the games at state were best out of five, unfortunately, we lost three times. I didn't mind losing that game, but it sure was fun. There was this one guy on the other team who could spike so hard and so good, that it was scary. (lol) After that game, our next match was with Russian Mission Raiders, and they were good too. On the upside, we won one game out of four. Gosh that was an awesome experience to play at state. I wish we could go next year again, it was nice. The champions of that game were the Point Hope Harpooners. We got 7th or 8th, one of them (lol). Oh yeah! We got the highest GPA! Are we nerds or what? 3.5 was our GPA put together, and who knew that we would be the nerd at Regionals and State? 

Monday, November 24, 2008


Thanksgiving is saving us two days of school, so we can just stay home and sleep as long as we want. That's a holiday for you. I'm glad that we can have a break from school, even though I got to go to Anchorage and shop:D during Thursday and Friday. It was awesome, and now I want to have a break from school already!
Funny story, my mom and I went to Bethel on Thursday and found out we were stuck for one night. So, she got to go to Bingo (Yay for her) and guess what? She ended up coming home with a big, frozen turkey. What are the odds? She hardly wins anything, and luckily she won a turkey right before Thanksgiving. Well, anyways, who is ready to eat? My favorite part of Thanksgiving is the stuffing. Mmmmm, I love stuffing, but I'm not a big fan of turkey(lol). Well, I just wanted to throw in a picture of a turkey and some stuffing:D, Happy Thanksgiving!! They stuffed stuffing up its... its... TURKEY HOLE!! haha:))=))

Monday, November 17, 2008

Film and Dance Festival

On November 17th, we had a Film and Dance Festival here at Akiuk with our guest, Stephen Blanchett. It was awesome watching younger kids dancing and dancing ourselves as well. It was cool to watch my classmates movies finally:P. I was curious on what other kids did, and i was happy that i watched them that day. I'm glad that the community came to our school to watch what we did and our movies.

(top left-Renae, Danya, Charlene and Nastasia's arm)
(bottom left-Nickefer and Harry)

Monday, November 10, 2008

What Do I Care About?

 There are countless things I care for, maybe too many too list. I care for my family, friends, dogs, laptop, my life, and my environment. Sometimes I think I care a little too much for my friends, but who knows? I can't help but care for things I don't even want to care for. Gosh. There are so many things i could list. Just thinking of what I care for is making me think even more. I care for my dogs:D and all my friends know that of course. My laptop, I couldn't live without it. Most of all, I care about my mom, dad, brothers, uncles, aunts, nieces and so on. They are so important to me, and i don't know if i could live without any of them. 

FF or slow motion?

Right now, my life feels like its on slow motion. Everyday seems like they are getting longer and longer (it really sucks in school:D). If I were to choose whether or not to let my life be in slow motion or FF, I would choose neither. I like my life how it is, no matter how slow or how fast they may go. On some days, it would help if they were faster or slower, but I take what I've got and be happy with it. FF goes too fast, slow motion goes too slow, so why would i choose which one? I wouldn't want to miss anything because they happened too fast, or get too bored with something happening too slow. I like how my life is going, and i hope it stays that way. 

Monday, October 27, 2008


Halloween was awesome! On October 31 we had a carnival that was free for everyone (well, except for the student store:D), but the best part was getting ready the haunted hallway. Sure it took a while, but it was worth it. This year felt like it was the best year. We were really serious about how we would do each room. Surprisingly, it was very organized. Or, at least that is what I think. My favorite room would have to be teh exorcist room. I had so much fun watching people get scared and scream. One little boy was even abandoned by his friends, and was alone with us five exorcist people (LOL). What can I say? I love watching people get scared, I'm just me. 

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Here's my dog's eyebrows!

 My mom drew eyebrows on my dog Casper. It was so funny, and my little brother washed it off because he was scared that it would be stuck for a long time. I just stood there watching it all happen. I guessed that my mom was bored and decided to do something. Or anything. Doesn't he look cute?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Prom 2008

Prom 2008 was the best! Here are some pictures: 



(from left to right) Lane, Me, Eddie, and Renae

Prom this year was the best for me. I had a lot of fun, and it seemed like everyone had fun. We danced form 7 pm to 12 am. I wish that we could do this a gain, but its okay. I can wait til next year. It took some time to get everything ready, but it was worth it to dance and take a butt load of pictures! 

Do You Care?

Today we are trying to work hard to turn in any last minute work. I have lots of work that needs to be turned in, but I believe that I can do it. Unless I lose all confidence and give up right now, but I don't feel like it. So, right now I am working on finishing this blog so I can show my teacher that I did my work while she was gone. are you happy now Deanna? (LOL) I'm just joking around. Well, I have to turn in two more papers for one class and I feel tired as, uh, crap. I guess that you readers out there probably don't care whether or not I fail or pass, but maybe you do. Nah, you probably don't anyways. Well, this is one blog less that i need, and one checked off my list of duties to do. okay, I'm done!


Finally! Tomorrow school quits! I have been waiting and waiting, and finally! I can sleep tomorrow! I feel like I never slept last night, even though I did, I think. Anyways, today I feel pumped up to get everything I need  done and ready to be turned in last minute. I was gone yesterday, because I was sleeping, and I felt sick, so I did not go. Next month I am hoping that I can go to Togiak and visit my family. I hope that I spend most of my summer here in Kasigluk and maybe half in Togiak. Be a brat over there, and be my usual self over here. I wish that I can travel a lot during the summer, but I can't go anywhere, but here or Togiak. Stuck either here, or there. Boring, but at least no school. Well, I guess, that this is enough for one day. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dead Tired

Really Tired!

I'm so tired of school right now. I need to sleep, and get rest. This whole week and last week was practically the worst. I was dead tired during classes, and I could not do my work. Although, I somehow ended up finishing most of the work I needed. I'm wishing that it would be already be summer vacation and we don't need to do all our work until next year. Yippee. Summer. Sleep

Monday, May 12, 2008

Fast and Short

If only my weekend lasted longer and slower, but now it's already Monday. I did my chores, and I forgot about my homework. Then on Monday, I wake up late, get up and get ready to go. ON the way to school, I thought why my weekend had not lasted very long for me. It was short and boring, but a few good TV shows and nothing more. So I just kept going and going until I had had reached my destination. Wow. Time for school.

Friday, May 9, 2008

My Brother Graduating

I'm beginning to wonder how life is going to be with my brother going off to college. I guess that I would have more TV to myself, and less fighting. Although, i have grown to get mad at him, I wonder how life at school would be. He was the loudest, obnoxious guy, but he was liked and just himself. The classes would be quiet, and his annoying personality to strive to be the best. I guess that I would miss him, of course, he is my brother. We aren't close, just close enough for me to actually miss him. 

Little Dance Jam

On Thursday, May 8, 2008, we had a little dance jam with our community and school. It was long; however, I had a  lot of fun even though my arms were very tired. We had Stephen Blanchett here to help us with the dancing, and we had learned lots of new songs. I felt bad because Stephen sang for almost every group, and had very few rests. Then finally, at the end we had performed for him. It was one of our own songs. I wish that we could dance today, but there is a big problem. Actually, there are two big problems. One is that our drummer and singer, Gary, is going hunting. Two is that the two adults who helped with most of the little dance jam are going shopping, and they are the chaperones or the adults who are supervising everything. So, I guess that we are not going to dance today, but there is always other days. 

Thursday, May 1, 2008

How Did I Do?

I wonder how I did on the tests that we took last month. I don't know if I did good, it was alright i guess. I was just dead bored during the testings. I think I did good, but the scores will tell me that pretty soon. Although, I think that I did pretty good, hopefully good enough to pass. I'm not going crazy thinking that I might pass, or might not. I just hope that I did good enough to not have to take it next year. Oh, I forgot to mention that I am a sophomore this year, and maybe a junior next year. Well, I just have to wait and see how I did. 

Hurry UP Summer

If only the school year would hurry up and end already. I know that it is May 1, 2008, and not that many days until school goes out, but everything is slowing down quickly. The school day is so slow that I get bored out of my head. Although, I love the fact that it is almost summer. No classes to attend, just the sun in my face and visiting family and friends. Summer is all about fun, but that fun is feeling far away. If only the school year would hurry up and end already, i can't wait much longer. Summer, just a few more weeks to go.

Friday, February 15, 2008


The best advice I had received was from my mother. She told me that school was important. Good grades do count further into their lives. I learned that kind of the hard way.  When I was younger, i thought that my parents were the smartest people I knew, but i found out that they weren't. I saw that i needed more education but, to be honest, i was a goody two shoes. I did everything i was told, and believed that my parents were smart. Yet, when i went into high school, i noticed that school was becoming a bore towards me. I couldn't concentrate because I was beginning to think that if my parents weren't as smart as i thought, that i shouldn't listen to them. So, i began to choose my own path towards my own life. My grades dropped and found out that i needed those good grades to pass, and get into a good college.  If it weren't for my mom, i would have never known that i should keep up my grades and do my best to live the good life. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

First Firework of the Year

It was New Year's Eve, and I was anxiously waiting near the window to see the first firework go up and celebrate the new year. My eyes full of wonder while my head was predicting on which would be first. Would it be the one that is big and filled with numerous colors? Or the puny fire crackers that pop and fill the night with continuous, vexing pops? No, neither were correct. When the clock struck midnight, I waited hesitantly. Then, out of the darkness, there it was. The first firework of the year. Although, it was not what I was expected. The firework was in average size, with just one glittering color, just one, but still the intensity to find out what would be the first firework of the year was good enough for me.